So here is the latest and greatest on the Clegg family of Snoqualmie, Washington...
We now have a HEAD Men's Coach in the family!
Garrett has been offered the job at WSU, in Pullman, Wa. We are so excited! He has already started and the kids and I are here...

And in other news...
Clegg baby #4 will be arriving sometime around March 15th. As if things aren't crazy enough, let's have another baby! We are really excited about this to say the least. The kids can't wait to have a baby brother or baby sister. And this time we aren't going to find out the gender. Let's try something different and be surprised!
And that leads us to the last big change...good bye Honda Accord, you've been so faithful and a trooper, but you're OLD!!! Hello Honda Odyssey!
Yup we are now a mini-van family. I always said that I would NEVER get a mini-van...but 4 kids sort of requires one. And what do you know...I LOVE IT!!!
Congrats on baby #4! That is so exciting for you and your family. Also best of luck with selling the house, I hope for your sake it goes really fast. It's hard being away from your hubby.
Lots of changes there in the Clegg house and it all is so exciting! Congrats.
Yay! Yay! And yay! What great news on all fronts. We're so excited for you and can't wait to hear more about your (busy) adventures! Good luck with the transition and I hope you're feeling ok. :)
I can't believe you are moving again you crazy lady! And especially after all the work you have done on your house. But knowing you, you guys will find another super cute house, bust a move on it and create another amazing house that is magazine worthy! Congrats to Garrett, what an amazing acomplishment. And congrats to you on number 4!
Congratulations! Exciting news all around! Your house is beautiful! I hope it sells quick! We're excited for your new addition! God is so good!
So you are saying really we don't have much going on.
Congrats on all counts!! We were so thrilled to hear about Garrett's new job. And a new baby too... WOW! Good luck with your house. If it's any consolation, Ryan and I were 1200 miles apart when he first started law school. It sucked but you do what you gotta do. At least we didn't have kids yet! Here's hoping for a quick sale!
What a exciting blog post! baby # 4 you amaze me. Congratulations and good luck with all your new adventures.
So fun to see the new car. We are going to say that baby is another boy!! But really, who cares, you have both. Lot's of great things happening. Hope the house sells too. We are praying for it every day. Love all of you.
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