Monday, June 25, 2012

Circus Circus

The last day of school the circus came to town.  I decided that there isn't much to do in the small town of Pullman, so we needed to take advantage of whatever comes our way.  Garrett wasn't going to be able to join us though...but I braved the circus with three of my friends, who's husbands also wouldn't be joining them, and had a BLAST!

It was raining when we first got there, but it only lasted about 5 minutes.  Then the sun came out and we enjoyed the tigers, bears and elephants!  We also munched on cotton candy.

Waiting for the fun to begin.
Hating the rain!
A group is almost impossible to get 4 kids to look at the camera at the same time.


Seriously who works for a circus...and how do you figure out you can do some of this stuff??>
Are you kidding me?  The tigers were the first act and the kids were GLUED to it.  We actually got front row seats too.
Some of our friends that came with us...they were glued to the tigers too!

There were three motorcycles in this contraption...Brady thought it was awesome. Afterall, he wants to be a motorcycle guy when he grows up!  (Just don't join the circus buddy)

The night ended with the elephants and they were so cute!  When they were entering and leaving the ring the littler one would follow behind holding onto the bigger ones tail with it's trunk.  It was so cute!
This just might be a yearly occurance!